Poster design by Dylan Haley
The Goats of Monesiglio
Short Documentary, 2022
Observational short documentary about an Indian Punjabi family and an Italian family working side-by-side in the northern Piedmontese town of Monesiglio. Through brief observations of everyday moments, viewers gain fleeting insights into the characters' experiences as they care for a flock of over 300 goats, and produce traditional artisanal goat cheese. With hundreds of thousands of Indian agricultural labourers working in the dairy production sector of Italy (the vast majority Punjabi Sikhs) the film captures a microcosm of contemporary rural Italian life - while harkening back to a historical way of life. Themes of cultural belonging, our relationships with animals and our connection to food are explored.
Short Documentary, 2019
In a stray-dog refuge in Morocco, time seems to stand still for the 750 animals waiting to be adopted, their lives following a precise, monotonous routine.
Dans un refuge pour chiens errants au Maroc, le temps semble suspendu pour les 750 bêtes en attente d'être adoptées, leur existence suivant une chorégraphie monotone et précise.
The film was shot at the Sara Morocco shelter / Le film a été tourné au refuge Sara Morocco
Living Without Menace
Short Documentary, 2022
Since 1950, Alberta’s fabled Rat Patrol has kept the province rat-free. But as pest control meets ecology in the 21st century, what does the future hold for this mythic institution and their "enemy?"
Available on CBC Gem as part of Season 22 of the documentary series Absolutely Canadian